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Visitor Information

The Sir John Colfox School is located on the A3066 at Ridgeway, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3DT.

  • Visitor and accessible parking is clearly signed as you enter the main school car park. 
  • Please note that the school buses require access to their bays from 2.30pm.
  • The gates to the car park are closed during the school day from 9.30am to 3pm. Please press the buzzer for reception staff to permit access.
  • The car park closes to all visitors and staff every weekday at 6pm. It is not accessible on weekends, unless by prior arrangement with Bellrock.

The school site is secure and access to the school buildings is only available through the Main School Reception, which is open from 8am to 4.30pm.  All visitors must sign in.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.