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Social and Emotional Learning Space

The Social and Emotional Space is here to support the school’s Therapeutic Behaviour Policy by encouraging young people to reflect on their behaviours and to support them to complete academic work within a setting that feels quite different to a regular classroom.

Positive relationships and supportive approaches are at the heart of the work carried out in The Social and Emotional Learning Space at the Sir John Colfox Academy. Mrs Best and Mr Preston are experienced at supporting young people to access mainstream lessons successfully, enabling them to meet their potential. The team believe passionately in the Six Principles of Nurture, including that all behaviour is communication. The Social and Emotional Learning Space Team also includes Mr Mead, who is our youth worker. Sam works closely with some students to enable them to be successful.

The Space is designed to have a Reflection Area as well as a Study Zone. To facilitate the learning, there is a well-stocked bank of resources and a range of study areas ranging from individual study desks to tables for group work and working collaboratively with members of the team. The team often use diagnostic tools to help support our young people, including the Boxhall Profile. Transitions are important for us all, and we also help with the transition from the Social and Emotional Learning Space back to the mainstream setting of the school, helping students to re-integrate back into their regular lessons.