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School trips visit New York, Paris and the Alps!

Students have travelled the world this term on school trips to New York, Paris and the Italian Alps.

New York

More than 40 sixth formers enjoyed a cultural trip to New York during the February half-term. Adam Teasdale, Head of Sixth Form at the Sir John Colfox Academy, who led the trip, said, “We stayed right in the very heart of New York in Times Square, which was amazing. Students got a real sense of what it’s like to live in one of the world’s busiest and most exciting cities.

“We covered a lot of New York, walking from Times Square to the bottom of Manhattan. We also visited Brooklyn to look at the famous street art and visited both Liberty Island and Ellis Island, where the original immigrants registered to become American citizens. Perhaps most moving for everyone was a visit to the 9/11 Memorial Museum in downtown Manhattan. Vast, empty sculptures now take the place where the original twin towers once stood, surrounded by skyscrapers that are being built to replace those lost in 2001. Amazingly, these huge buildings have been designed so they do not cast a shadow over the memorial plaza on September 11th each year.”

One student said: “The trip was an incredible cultural experience. I loved the Guggenheim Museum and ice skating in the shadow of the Empire State Building.” Another student added: “We explored New York with the help of guides, which helped us get to know the city. I’ll never forget seeing New York at night from the top of the Empire State Building and the shopping was ace!”

Students also visited the newly opened ‘Edge’ observation deck in Hudson Yards (the second-highest outdoor observation deck containing a glass floor!) and whilst walking along the High Line walkway. By the end of the trip, students had explored all the key areas of the city, including Central Park, Brooklyn, Chinatown, Greenwich Village, Little Italy, Chelsea Market and the Financial District. The New York trip will return in 2025 so students in Years 10 and 11 returning to the Beaminster Colfox Joint Sixth Form will have a chance to visit the city that never sleeps.

New York 2023


A group of more than 30 students set off on a tour of the Opal Coast region of France. The students from Year Eight, Nine and Ten, enjoyed cultural visits and saw French bread, patisseries and chocolates being made.

They toured the historic French towns of Boulogne and Desvres, which is famous for its pottery. They visited its prestigious arts centre, before trying their hand at making pots. The trip at the end of February culminated in a visit to Disneyland Paris which included a spectacular parade, illuminations and a firework show in the evening. Abi, 13, pictured, has written in French to the countryside hotel where the group stayed, to thank them.

France 2023


A large Year 10 group enjoyed a ski trip to the Alps and a lot of fun was had in the snow. Students of all abilities had brilliant fun on the ski slopes in Italy. Before departing the group enjoyed skiing tuition at Warmwell Holiday Park near Weymouth.

Italy 2023

Adam Shelley, headteacher of the Sir John Colfox Academy, said

“It has been great that we have been able to arrange school trips to New York, Paris and the Italian Alps this term. Our students have enjoyed themselves and been great ambassadors for our school and for Bridport. I’d like to thank all our wonderful staff who worked on the trips, particularly Mr Walker, Mr Bartlett and Mr Teasdale, we could not offer our students these wonderful opportunities without their efforts, thank you!”

Some support is available to help families with the cost of trips.