Work experience appeal to help students explore different career paths
Colfox School is appealing to businesses, charities, public sector organisations and other workplaces to provide more work experience to encourage students to aim high and explore different career paths.
The school is keen to offer a wide range of interesting work placements to encourage students and is appealing to the wider community to help.
Michael Thompson, Head of Careers at the Sir John Colfox Academy, pictured above with the winners' certificate from the Dorset Careers Hub, said: “We have a wonderfully supportive community in Bridport and we already have a range of great work experience placements, but we are always looking for more opportunities to offer our students.
“It is a fantastic opportunity for businesses and workplaces to give something back to our community and to inspire the next generation to join them in their field. Our work experience programme is very successful, and our students have previously succeeded in achieving offers of paid work or apprenticeships. This has been fantastic for them and for the workplaces they have joined.”
The school are looking for week-long work experience placements for Year 10 students, who are aged 14-15, at the end of March 2023. Any business or workplace interested in finding out more should contact Michael Thompson, Head of Careers at the Sir John Colfox Academy, via email: or
The high quality of Careers Education at the Sir John Colfox Academy was recognised recently, when it won the Dorset Careers Hub 2022/23 Mainstream Secondary Schools and Colleges Category.
The Dorset Careers Hub congratulated the school’s Careers Service for attaining all eight of the Gatsby Benchmarks for Careers Education. The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework created by the Government's careers strategy that defines what good careers educations is. Research has proven that meeting the benchmarks has a significantly positive impact on student's career readiness and GCSE results.