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Students become Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Well done to students who have succeeded in becoming Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

The students, who travelled to Plymouth for a special training session with youth charity The Diana Award, will join the school’s existing Ambassador Team.

Abi, aged 14, who was among those who undertook the training, said: “It was an interesting, thought-provoking session, we explored lots of scenarios and learned about the different types of bullying behaviour and we learned how to diffuse difficult situations. It was good and I’m pleased to become an ambassador to help others.”

Jessie, age 11, said: “It was fun, they showed us lots of different examples, so we’d know what to do, I am really glad to be an ambassador.”

The team will now put their training into action, coaching other students to become ambassadors and applying their ideas across the school.

Mr Adam Teasdale, Assistant Headteacher at the Sir John Colfox Academy, oversees the Anti-Bullying Ambassador programme. He said: "I am so proud of our students, they worked very hard all day and their mature and sensitive attitudes shone through. I know they will contribute in a very positive way to our school and our community – well done to all of them!

"Bullying is not tolerated and this programme is another way of underlining that. It is a peer-led approach programme, which empowers young people to help build and strengthen a culture of kindness by giving them the skills, tools and knowledge to be the ‘upstander’ to all forms of bullying behaviour.”

All schools have concerns about bullying and cyber-bullying. We take this very seriously at Colfox and have strong policies in place to combat any bullying. Our anti-bullying policy has been endorsed by OFSTED, but it is something we are always looking to strengthen and improve. If a student has any concerns, they can speak to their teacher or to one of our Student Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. If as a parent or carer you have any concerns, please contact school.

The Diana Award is a charity that empowers young people to make positive changes to society. It is the only charity set up in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, and her belief that young people have the power to change the world. Since 2011, The Diana Award has trained over 65,000 young people across the UK to stand up to bullying as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in their schools and communities.